Instructions for the use of pasty organic fertilizer “VITAGUM”



Paste-like organic fertilizer "VITAGUM"



Recommended Processing Periods

Recommended consumption of concentrate per 1 ha.


The first tillage before the development of the first three leaves in the growth cone. The second tillage after the growth of axillary buds and the cessation of leaf formation. The third tillage during swept-flowering. Fourth tillage after endosperm formation.

25 liters (10 liters of concentrate are bred in 400 liters of water)

Wheat, Barley

First tillage before planting seeds. The second treatment of plants before tillering. The third treatment is in the exit phase into the tube.

20 liters (once there is a concentrate of 20 liters for 7 00 - 750 liters of water)


First tillage before planting. In torah seed treatment in the phase of 3-5 leaves; in the phase of 9-11 leaves. The third treatment is 14 days after the second.

16 liters (10 liter concentrate per 400 liters of water is diluted)


First tillage before planting. The second seed treatment in the phase of 3-4 pairs of real leaves. The third treatment is 14 days after the second.

18 liters (10 liter concentrate per 400 liters of water is diluted)

Colza, beans

First tillage before planting. Second seed treatment in the phase of 4-5 leaves; budding. The third treatment is 14 days after the second.

16 liters (10 liters of concentrate per 450 liters of water are diluted)

New pasle : tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, potatoes

First tillage before planting. Second Processing planting material in the 2-4 leaf stage appearance (and if after 14 days after planting ) n Before flowering, fruit set.

15 liters (10 liter concentrate is diluted for 45 0-500 liters of water)

Cocoa Beans

First tillage before planting. The second of brabotka weeks after planting. The third treatment is 14 days after the second.

20 liters (10 liters of concentrate are bred in 450 liters of water)

A pineapple

First tillage two days before planting. Second tillage one month after planting. The third tillage is three months after planting. Fourth tillage six months after planting.

25 liters (10 liters of concentrate are bred in 400 liters of water)


First tillage before planting. The second of brabotka seeds in the phase of 4-5 leaves; budding. The third treatment is 14 days after the second.

16 liters (10 liters of concentrate are bred in 450 liters of water)


First tillage before planting. In the vegetative period once a week. At rest, no more than once a month

15 liters (10 liters of concentrate are bred in 300 liters of water)


First tillage 2 weeks before planting. Second tillage one week after planting. Third tillage two months after planting. Fourth tillage four months after planting

25 liters

(10 liters of concentrate are bred in 500 liters of water)


First tillage before planting. Second Processing of planting material in the phase of the appearance of 2-4 leaves (or 14 days after planting) before flowering, fruit set.

15 liters

(10 liters are bred in 450-500 liters of water)


First tillage one week before planting. Second tillage one week after planting. Third tillage one month after planting.

20 liters

(10 liters are bred in 500 liters of water)