Reagent-free hydro-wave electroplasma-dialysis technologies for the treatment of water streams

It is absolutely certain that there are no areas of cleaning where electroplasma methods are inferior to conventional methods. On the contrary, there are a number of applications where mainly electroplasma technologies can be used (for example, obtaining drinking water from highly saline sources, cleaning filtrates of solid industrial and household waste, destruction of unsuitable chemical plant protection products, liquid waste, etc.)

Electroplasma cleaning units mainly consist of three different functional units. The combination and their selection of appropriate modes determine technological flexibility and a wide range of applications.

The main advantages of the electroplasma method over others:

  1. Versatility.
  2. High, in comparison with other methods, the degree of purification from microflora and other organic pollutants.
  3. High degree of desalination of the water flow
  4. The ability to clean water streams of any level of pollution and salinity.
  5. The absence of expensive materials (reagents, filter materials, etc.) in need.
  6. Low energy costs (0.4-1 kW/hour per 1 m3 of water purification).
  7. Low overall operating costs (the number of maintenance personnel is 5-6 times less compared to traditional methods, can be fully automated).
  8. The small dimensions of the installation, as well as the area occupied by it (the installation with a capacity of 20 m3 / hour occupies an area of ~ 20 m2).
  9. A high level of environmental safety (an intermediate environmentally hazardous product is not created, a contaminated product does not accumulate, etc.).
  10. High level of reliability and control.

Creation of water treatment systems for URBAN water intake.

Electroplasma technology is suitable for creating water treatment systems in any city. At the same time, it has many important advantages. The first is extremely important, it is a high quality of drinking water and a guarantee of the absence of dangerous microflora. The second, no less important, is the low level of operating costs. On average, no more than 1 kW per hour of electricity is consumed for the preparation of 1 m3 of water, which, translated into money, is lower than with chlorination, not to mention ozonation. The number of service personnel is 5-6 times less than with traditional methods. A small installation area and, accordingly, a significant release of space relative to traditional cleaning methods.
A mobile unit with a capacity of 5 m3/hour with an individual energy source can be placed on one truck.

General view of the installation with a capacity of 10 m3/hour.

In this case, there is no need to build a citywide water treatment plant. It is more convenient and more profitable to create water treatment facilities for a district, a neighbourhood, a separate complex of houses. At the same time, the water intake is chosen not from the point of view of where it is cleaner or better, but from the point of view of the length and cost of the water supply. You can use underground springs. It also significantly reduces the cost of drinking water. The scheme of water supply, the system of repair and maintenance of municipal water supply is radically changing, safety and hygiene are improving. This is especially important in case of epidemics, terrorist acts, man-made and natural disasters.

Mobile complexes for the preparation of drinking water.

Electroplasma technology is suitable for the creation of mobile complexes for the preparation of drinking water using power grids or individual energy sources. Mobile complexes for the preparation of high-quality drinking water are extremely necessary for military units, when working in the field, in case of floods, earthquakes, epidemics, accidents at nuclear power plants, chemical plants and other man-made and natural disasters for those areas where there is no centralized water supply network. These are mainly rural areas.

A mobile unit with a capacity of 5 m3/hour with an individual energy source can be placed on one truck.

Wastewater treatment of various origins.

Electroplasma wastewater treatment technologies have all the advantages over existing ones and solve this problem cardinally. They are suitable for wastewater treatment of any origin, with any level of microbiological contamination, with any mineralization and high concentration of surfactants. Polluted water is immediately recycled, it does not accumulate anywhere, it is not delayed anywhere, so there is practically no chance of contaminated water entering clean reservoirs, or at least it is significantly reduced. When the pipe breaks through which dirty water is supplied, an alarm and a blocking system are triggered.

As a result of cleaning, clean, disinfected water is obtained, which does not require further processing, and solid household sludge, which can be used as raw materials for fertilizers, construction material, and so on.

In addition to environmental, electroplasma technologies have significant economic advantages. They do not require the construction of special treatment facilities, large rooms, since the hardware complex is carried out compactly, low specific energy costs (0.4 - 1 kW per hour per 1 m3), significantly smaller (5-6 times) staff of maintenance personnel in comparison with traditional technologies.

Wastewater treatment of industrial enterprises.

Electroplasma technology makes it possible to practically purify any effluents of industrial enterprises, including pollutants such as petroleum products, fats, dyes, iron, hexavalent chromium, fluorine, radionuclides, heavy metal salts, and other compounds of organic and inorganic origin. Actually, the treatment complex is very compact, low-energy and can be located directly in production workshops. Therefore, this technology can be used to create highly efficient local treatment facilities of enterprises that quickly return purified water back to production. It is possible to mount such installations on separate production cycles. Waste that is created after cleaning can also be returned to production. This is especially important for enterprises where valuable metals and materials are used (electroplating production).

In the same way, electroplasma technologies can be used for:

  • water purification from radionuclides and transuranic elements at nuclear power plants and at uranium ore mining sites;
  • wastewater treatment of enterprises of the processing, light and food industries;
  • cleaning of animal and poultry drains;
  • cleaning of palace waters of tankers submarines and other watercraft;
  • water purification when washing cars and other equipment.

Cleaning of Filtrates of URBAN waste collectors

Filtrates of solid household and industrial waste contain a very complex "bouquet" of pollutants that are difficult to clean and disinfect with traditional technologies, heavily pollute groundwater and groundwater and create an extremely large environmental threat. During the construction of new landfills with a moisture-proof bottom, filtrates are collected in separate tanks and accumulate.

Electroplasma technology not only cleans such complex drains, but also disinfects them, which greatly simplifies the task of using the resulting sludge. The desire to use membrane technologies for cleaning filtrates does not solve the problem in full, since the liquid residual mass (concentrate) decreases in volume, but at the same time its concentration increases, which does not reduce the threat of environmental pollution. In addition, these installations are extremely expensive and require a significant amount of valuable expensive materials.

Electroplasma technology performs high-quality filtration of filtrates, resulting in clean water that can be used for household needs or dumped into open reservoirs, and solid insoluble decontaminated waste, which can also be used without endangering the environment.

Wastewater treatment of livestock complexes.

Wastewater treatment of livestock complexes is not fundamentally different from wastewater treatment of other enterprises. The resulting clean water can be reused for plowing animals, as well as for irrigation of surrounding agricultural land. The waste can be used as a high-quality fertilizer.

Creation of purification complexes of special (infectious) medical institutions, microbiological and Pharmacological enterprises.

The peculiarity of the wastewater of these enterprises is the high concentration of dangerous microflora. It was emphasized above that electroplasma technologies, due to the action of three factors: an electric field of ultrahigh intensity, ultrahigh instantaneous pressure and ultrahigh instantaneous temperature, almost completely destroys it.

The level of residual microflora is 1000 times lower compared to disinfection by other methods. Thus, electroplasma methods are reliable and convenient in this case as well.

Softening and desalination of water for thermal and nuclear power plants.

The introduction of reagentless electroplasma technology for the preparation of softened water for feeding heating systems and desalinated water for boilers of electric units allows:

  • exclude the use of reagent farming (iron vitriol, alkali, acid, etc., their transportation, storage and preservation, preparation of reagent solutions, maintenance and repair of tank farms, pumps);
  • eliminate preheating of water up to 40 ° C, reduce water costs for own needs;
  • exclude acid and alkaline effluents obtained during the regeneration of ionite filters;
  • exclude the use of expensive ionite resin
  • reduce by 80% the costs of current and major repairs;
  • reduce energy costs for technological needs;
  • automate the technological process, which will significantly increase the reliability of the equipment, improve the working conditions of the service personnel and will reduce its number by 5-6 times;
  • ultimately reduce the cost of water treatment by 3 times;
  • to obtain ultrapure and desalinated water with an electrical conductivity of 0.06-0.08 microns/cm and SiO2 < 20 mcg/l.

The experience of foreign stations has shown that when using the above ultrapure water, the corrosion rate of the equipment is reduced by 10-15 times compared to water, which has a conductivity of 0.15 - 0.20 microns / cm, which is typical for existing reagent water treatment technologies.

Cleaning of mine and quarry waters

This type of cleaning is separated into a separate section due to its peculiarity. As is known, mine and quarry waters occupy large areas, creating artificial reservoirs that, due to high mineralization, cannot be used by humans.

At the same time, they contain many substances from which valuable, rare-earth and other elements can be extracted.

Electroplasma technologies allow the water that is pumped out of mines and quarries to be cleaned and used as drinking or technical for irrigation of fields and gardens, or to accumulate in reservoirs for fish breeding, etc., and solid waste to be used as raw materials for the extraction of rare earth and other chemical elements.

Creation of stationary and mobile complexes for neutralization and destruction of highly toxic waste, toxic substances, toxic chemicals.

The lack of effective universal technologies for neutralizing and processing toxic substances creates a big environmental problem. The desire to bury non-neutralized toxic substances complicates the environmental problem, since it does not exclude their influence on groundwater in the future, and their neutralization after burial becomes impossible.

Electroplasma technologies destroy complex molecules of toxic substances, turning them into simpler non-toxic ones, which are removed from the solution in the form of solid insoluble substances. Thus, liquid toxic substances of any origin are converted into clean water and safe solid insoluble substances that can be used in the national economy or buried.

Preparation of water for irrigation of fields and gardens

In arid areas, the creation of irrigation systems is the only chance to get regular high yields.

For irrigation systems, water from rivers, lakes and not infrequently underground sources is used. The salts dissolved in such water gradually accumulate in the soils and significantly reduce their fertility. This is what limits the use of irrigation even in areas where it is extremely necessary.

Desalination of water used for irrigation of fields by electroplasma plants completely removes the problem of salinization of irrigated lands. At the same time, sources with increased and high levels of mineralization, as well as wastewater from various industries can be used.

The water desalinated in the same way is as close as possible, in all respects, to rainwater.

Desalination of seawater

There is every reason to believe that electroplasma technologies will be widely used for desalination of seawater in the future. As a result, relatively cheap clean drinking water can be obtained.

With ultra-low energy (1 kW/hour per 1 m3) and operating costs, as well as relatively low cost of equipment and small occupied areas of desalination complexes, the problem of using seawater for household needs is practically solved. And at the same time, the global problem of fresh water on Earth is being solved.

Circuit diagram of water purification devices (including mine and wastewater)

Схема цепи аппаратов очистки воды

Circuit diagram of the apparatus of the final processing units "A"

Схема цепи аппаратов блоков окончательной обработки «А»

Reference list of completed objects using the proposed technology

Референс-лист выполненных объектов с использованием предлагаемой технологии
Референс-лист выполненных объектов с использованием предлагаемой технологии