Soil fertility product Vitagum soil conditioner

Актуальность продукта и обозначение проблемы

  1. Modern innovative technologies make it possible to minimize the use of mineral and chemical fertilizers. The use of mineral and chemical fertilizers ultimately negatively affects human health. Disrupting its gene structures, shortening life expectancy, causing irreversible changes in the body.
  2. The main reason for low soil fertility in desert, semi-desert and mountainous areas, as a rule, is the lack of a humus fertile layer.
  3. In this regard, the company NPF MASHGEO LLC carried out work on the creation of highly effective organic soil-forming agents based on natural components, allowing the formation of a humus layer and growing plants on non-fertile soils.
  4. Vitagum soil formers are good adsorbents, detoxicants of heavy metals, strong stimulators of plant growth and development and environmentally friendly fertilizers. When they are used, the biochemistry of the soil increases the intensity of bacterial activity, the acid-base balance improves, the protective mechanism and stress resistance of plants increases, conditions for the formation of humus are created. The components included in the preparations are easily absorbed by plants.

The MASHGEO Research and Production Company has currently developed and tested a full–fledged complex of organic fertilizers, the Vitagum soil-forming fertilizer, in fact, a soil-forming fertilizer in the desert soils of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The Vitagum soil-forming agent binds water well, so the need for irrigation is reduced by 30-40%, thanks to the unique injection technology of applying these fertilizers, their weathering is excluded, and the fertile layer is preserved for the entire period of growth of planted crops.

Peat, sapropel, cattle waste, chicken manure, sewage sludge or other organic waste can be used as raw materials for fertilizer production.

Advantages of the drug “Vitagum" in comparison with analogues:

Препарат “Витагум”
  • Organic matter that is not subject to overdose is not washed out of the soil during irrigation and rainfall
  • Increases plant cell activity
  • Contains a special patented composition of trace elements
  • Increases the germination of plants
  • Eliminates phenolic intoxication of soils
  • Converts nitrates into safe nitro compounds
  • Contains plant growth stimulants
  • Economical compared to mineral fertilizers
  • On desert and arid soils
  • On depleted soils
  • On saline soils
  • On eroded soils with disturbed structure
  • On soils that have been treated with chemical and mineral fertilizers for a long time
  • In areas located near urban roads, industrial zones where the soil is contaminated with heavy metals
  • On sandy and sandy loam soils with minimal organic matter content
  • On soils infected with pathogenic nematodes
  • Enhances the processes of intra-soil metabolism
  • Binds heavy metals into a form inaccessible to plants
  • Reduces and neutralizes traces of toxic chemicals accumulated by the soil as a result of their intensive use
  • Significantly increases the immunity of plants to diseases, stress and extreme climatic conditions
  • It has a moisturizing effect that helps to increase the wettability of the soil, increase its moisture capacity, reduces the need for watering by 30-40%
  • Increases the efficiency of applied mineral fertilizers by 2.5-3 times
  • Activates the activity and growth of microorganisms inhabiting the soil.

The composition of the drug "Vitagum"





It is part of chlorophyll, an enzyme activator. With a lack of chlorosis of the leaves develops



Participation in protein and carbohydrate synthesis



Growth and development of reproductive organs, control of metabolism.



Highly important in nitrogen metabolism.



Enzyme Activator



Participation in metabolic processes control of the sodium potassium pump, cell turgor.



It is part of the fruit and the cell wall



By contributing to the accumulation of carbohydrates in plant cells, potassium increases the osmotic pressure of cell juice and thereby increases the cold resistance and frost resistance of plants. Preserves water, increases the drought resistance of plants



Participates in the synthesis of chlorophyll, participates in cellular respiration.



Regulates the growth of the vegetative mass of the plant



Participates in the process of respiration and fat synthesis, is part of the enzyme pool



Increases frost resistance and activates the growth of the root system.



It is part of the protective shells of plants.



Activator of enzymatic reactions, increases the content of chlorophyll in leaves



Enzyme Activator



Activator of cellular respiration, protein and carbon metabolism, immune stimulator



Activator of enzymes influencing redox processes, photosynthesis and respiration of cells

  • At the request of the customer, the products can be produced both in pasty and dry form. We have developed and manufactured a packing plant for loading fertilizers into a Big Bag and an aggregate for drying fertilizers.
Субстрат – известняк с добавлением супергуматов 15 г/ кв. м. (Иорданское Хашемитское Королевство)
The substrate is limestone with the addition of superhumates 15 g/ sq. m.
(Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)
Субстрат – известняк  без добавления  Супергуматов 15 г/ кв. м. (Иорданское Хашемитское Королевство)
Субстрат – известняк без добавления супергуматов 15 г/ кв. м.
(Иорданское Хашемитское Королевство)
•	The substrate is limestone without the addition of superhumates 15 g/ sq. m. (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)
Substrate – sand with the addition of superhumates 15 g / sq. m.
From left to right: the first two varieties of wheat without the addition of superhumates, the second two varieties – with the addition of superhumates.
Growth time: 7 days.
•	The substrate is limestone without the addition of superhumates 15 g/ sq. m. (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)
Substrate – sand with the addition of superhumates 15 g / sq. m.
From left to right: the first two varieties of wheat without the addition of superhumates, the second two varieties – with the addition of superhumates.
Growth time: 7 days.


This technology is patented and is based on the principles of extraction

Equipment of own production


The proposed technology is environmentally friendly.

All pathogenic flora of the feedstock is destroyed when it is passed through a disintegrator with an electroplasma unit.